I’ve Got a Publisher!

Taegais Publishing LLC agreed to publish my middle school action adventure novel, RUN, with a target release date of this September! They’ve also agreed to publish the second and third books in the series, CHASE and HYDE! We’re finishing up the editing process and have begun the book cover selection. Working with Taegais has been awesome; they’re professional and responsive. And thank you to everyone who has helped and encouraged me along this journey. It wouldn’t have happened without you!

Publisher Interest

A small Indie publisher is seriously considering publishing my three middle school novels, RUN, CHASE, and HYDE. I’d appreciate your prayers for wisdom and direction. But I’m really excited!

Short Story Success

I just signed a contract with Splickety Publishing to include two of my adult short stories in their first Splickety Anthology! The book will be available in print and e-version through Amazon and others sometime in the fall of 2015. I am honored Splickety would include “Squint,” (Splickety Magazine 2013) and “Thoas and Sprinther” (Havok Magazine 2014). You can check out one of these 1000 word flash fiction stories on my website.